Thursday, March 6, 2008

LTMO Unleashed

After many years of conducting Long-Term Monitoring Optimization (LTMO) site evaluations, supporting LTMO software, conducting trainings, answering technical support questions, and sitting through hours and hours of meetings . . . I have decided to start posting LTMO information on the web. I hope that some of the insights and observations I post here can help those of you laboring in the groundwater monitoring trenches.

By way of explanation, Long-Term Monitoring in this blog will refer to monitoring of groundwater affected by common chemical contaminants (TCE, PCE, metals, BTEX, munitions, etc.). Information posted here is not necessarily applicable to initial site characterizations, but is intended as guidance for those with well characterized sites and lots and lots of data. I will cover some of the statistical methods used to support site decision-making and software tools available. I also plan to provide observations on qualitative evaluations, which can often appear subjective and confusing.

This blog will not cover other forms of monitoring, such as air or health -- I leave that to others. I will be posting whenever I feel like it, or whenever I have the time. No promises.


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